This is a request for feedback.
It seems that sous-vide cooking is becoming more financially accessible. After following a link on Food for Design to Wired Magazine for an article on Nathan Myhrvold to Auber Instruments and finally to Fresh Meals Solutions, I was looking at a temperature control device for $100 that converts a basic rice cooker (no fuzzy logic because it won't work) into a water bath for sous-vide cooking that is accurate to 1%.
Its called Sous-Vide Magic. After the purchase of a cheap large rice cooker, you can begin cooking sous-vide for well under $200. Add on a nice food-saver and you are still well in budget for home use or a small restaurant with a humble capital list.
My big question is... has anyone out there used this device, and how well does it work. It could open the doors for a lot of possibilities when you compare it to the $900 plus list price of a Polyscience thermocirculator. This was inevitable. It is simply a device that measures temperature and controls power for heating to maintain a constant temperature... how difficult and expensive is that to manufacture anyway? Add on some sort of motor or pump and you have a thermocirculator.